I have received communication from US Ambassador to Ireland Dan Rooney’s office, taking note of my request that President Obama use Shannon while visiting Ireland.

The US President confirmed to An Toiseach Enda Kenny that he will visit Ireland towards the end of May on a state visit.

Last week I wrote to the US Ambassador to Ireland Mr. Dan Rooney asking that President Obama would make a point of using Shannon Airport during his visit to our Country in May.

I have received a reply from the Ambassador’s office acknowledging my correspondence and stating that my request has been noted.

I am calling on all Oireachtas members in the Mid-West together with the Local Authorities and members of the business and tourist industry to write to the Ambassador’s office and extend the invite for President Obama to stop in Clare while he visits Ireland in May.

This visit represents a vote of confidence in Ireland, it also presents us with a real opportunity to showcase what’s best about our Country on a world stage.

Here in the Mid-West it is a huge opportunity to reaffirm Shannon as a vital link between America and Europe. Shannon Airport has played host to many other Presidents and leaders of State in the past and I believe it would be entirely fitting should President Obama choose to either land in Shannon or use Shannon as a place of departure during his visit.

I am satisfied with the reply I received from the Ambassador’s office and at the very least we now know that the US Ambassador is aware of our invitation.”


Email reply from US Ambassador’s Office Below:



Subject: Receipt of your letter to Ambassador Rooney

Dear Mr. Carey,

Thank you for your interest in the President’s visit to Ireland.  At this time, we have no confirmed information about the President’s visit timing or what his schedule might include while he is here.  We have, however, made a note of your invitation.



Assistant to the Ambassador

American Embassy Dublin

42 Elgin Road

Ballsbridge, Dublin 4