Clare Fine Gael TD Joe Carey has confirmed that €100,000 has been allocated from the latest round of CLÁR funding to two first responder groups to purchase rescue vehicles for their operations in the Clare area.
€50,000 was allocated to the Irish Community Rapid Response (ICRR) organisation to provide an ambulance and equipment for its Clare base. ICRR delivers professional pre-hospital medical care directly to the site of accidents and emergencies in rural areas.
A further €50,000 will go towards the purchase of a rescue vehicle for the Irish Cave Rescue Organisation’s activities in Clare. A self-help organisation, ICRO volunteers carry out rescues at the request of Gardaí.
“These community-based volunteer organisations need proper vehicles and equipment to perform their vital work. This support will mean that if someone gets into difficulty, these groups will be better equipped to help them.
“The government supports community groups throughout the country because of the invaluable contribution they make to society. No one epitomises this contribution more than voluntary first responder groups like the ICRR and the ICRO,” Deputy Carey said.
The CLÁR programme is funded by the Department of Rural and Community Development and forms part of the Government’s Action Plan for Rural Development.